UCT celebrated the 125th anniversary of our founding on Jan. 16. To mark the occasion, and UCT’s commitment to doing good for others, employees performed random acts of kindness for the day.
Some extended a hand to strangers in need. Others let their fellow employees know how much their work was appreciated. Still others gave extra big tips to their servers at lunch or gave up their restaurant parking spots to other drivers. One employee even paid for the lunch of the person behind him in the drive-through.
The beauty of such random acts is in their simplicity. Acts of kindness take so little time and effort and are meaningful because they’re usually unexpected. Our employees found that even the smallest acts of kindness triggered enormous responses of gratitude and delight – and made them feel good about themselves.
Random Acts of Kindness Week is coming up Feb. 11-17. But why wait until then to start practicing kindness? if you’re up for showing a little kindness now, here are 15 simple things you can do to make life a little nicer for others:
1. Pay a compliment to someone at least once a day.
2. Give a hug or encouragement to someone who needs it.
3. Bring flowers to work and share them with co-workers.
4. Bake treats for a neighbor.
5. Write a note of appreciation to someone special in your life.
6. Give a ride to someone who can’t drive or who doesn’t have a car.
7. Pay for the person behind you in the movie line.
8. Call or visit someone who’s sick or lonely.
9. Say something nice to everyone you meet today.
10. Send an anonymous gift to a friend.
11. Strike up a friendly conversation with a stranger.
12. Write a note of thanks and leave it with your tip.
13. Make a positive comment on a blog or Facebook post.
14. Complain less.
15. Make someone laugh.
Kindness is contagious! Take the time to spread a little kindness, and you might just inspire someone to do the same. You never know what hope and goodness one small act can generate!