As we do every year, our employees here at UCT are involved in the Operation Feed campaign here in Columbus. Operation Feed is an effort to help the Mid Ohio Foodbank provide food for people in need throughoutCentral Ohio. This year’s campaign is nearing the end, and we expect to achieve our goal. The need has always been there, but in recent… Continue Reading…
As the weather finally begins to get warmer, my wife and I have begun our training. This past Saturday we did a 30 mile bicycle ride on some country roads just north of Columbus. We are training to prepare for a ride we will be doing this summer for the third time. The ride is called Pelotonia, and it is a… Continue Reading…
On Saturday I will be heading to Washington DC to attend the American Fraternal Alliance mid year Presidents’ meeting. UCT’s Marketing Manager, Heather Darling will also be there as a presenter to talk about our Social Media efforts. The meeting is a good opportunity to discuss issues all Fraternals are facing, and to hear how other organizations are dealing with those issues.… Continue Reading…
Voting for our UCT Gives Back contest ends tomorrow. We have had over 77,000 votes so far, and I’m excited to find out who wins. The $10,000 prize will certainly help whichever school is the winner. There is still time to vote—help your favorite school win. Also this weekend, UCT will be hosting the Winter Hockey Festival at Ottawa Park in… Continue Reading…
UCT gives back to people with intellectual disabilities by sponsoring a video contest for $10,000! UCT is excited to announce our upcoming video contest, “UCT Gives Back” which will award $10,000 to one very deserving school. UCT Gives Back is open to schools with programs for people with intellectual disabilities or universities with programs to train special education teachers – and the… Continue Reading…
UCT doesn’t just talk about helping communities and giving back – we put our money where our mouths are…by supporting the Mid-Ohio Foodbank Operation Feed campaign. OPERATION FEED is a community-wide food and funds drive coordinated by Mid-Ohio Foodbank. o Each year, Mid-Ohio Foodbank joins forces with local businesses, schools, civic groups, and individuals to raise critically needed donations in this community-wide campaign effort.… Continue Reading…