Articles Categorized 'Featured'

UCT in Action

Making a Difference Together

Many reasons to celebrate in March – but one cause holds a special place in the hearts of UCT members.

Posted March, 2017 by: David Knapp

March is a month full of celebration and awareness. We kicked off March with a salute to UCT women in honor of Women’s History month, it is also Colon Cancer Awareness Month, National Reading Awareness Month and American Red Cross Month, to name a few. But there is one cause that is near and dear to UCT – National Developmental Disabilities Awareness… Continue Reading…

It’s Women’s History Month – here’s to UCT’s women pioneers!

Posted March, 2017 by: David Knapp

When you stop and think about it, many things have come to women surprisingly recently: The right to vote. The right to own property. And, perhaps less surprisingly, the existence of Women’s History Month in March. Before women had the whole month, we recognized Women’s History Week, and before that, a single International Women’s Day. Dedicating the entire month of March in… Continue Reading…

It’s not goodbye, rather see you later. Longtime employee and friend says goodbye to UCT and members.

Posted February, 2017 by: David Knapp

If you’ve been a part of UCT for any amount of time, you know Ann Marshall. Everyone here at the home office knows that Ann is a lifeline to our members. Even when they should be calling another area, they end up on the phone with Ann. Ann is retiring this month, and we couldn’t let her leave without giving her the… Continue Reading…

UCT Gives Back AGAIN Video Contest Begins NOW – Submit Your Video TODAY and Nominate Your School to WIN $10,000 or $5,000!

Posted February, 2017 by: UCT

UCT Gives Back AGAIN Video Contest launched today and we want your school to submit a video for a chance at winning $10,000 or $5,000! Submission phase begins today and ends March 15th! UCT Gives Back AGAIN is a video contest open to schools with programs for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and colleges and universities with programs to train special… Continue Reading…

UCT welcomes new marketing manager

Posted February, 2017 by: David Knapp

Allow me to introduce myself: I’m Kate Chillinsky, the new marketing manager at UCT. I’ve been working here for a few weeks now, but in reality I’ve been a part of UCT my whole life. (I’ll get to that in just a moment.) I recently moved back to Central Ohio with my husband and two sons, after living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for… Continue Reading…

Get out the word – help UCT award $15,000!

Posted January, 2017 by: UCT

UCT Gives Back AGAIN video contest is awarding $15,000 to two deserving schools…and YOU decide which ones! That’s right – schools that submit videos showing how the prize money would help their program for students with intellectual disabilities, or for students training to become teachers of students with intellectual disabilities – need YOUR support to earn votes. So…GET THE WORD OUT to… Continue Reading…

UCT is giving back AGAIN – this time through a video contest for schools that will award a total of $15,000!

Posted January, 2017 by: David Knapp

In December, UCT made two special hockey teams pretty darn happy by awarding them a $10,000 and $5,000 prize for their programs through the UCT Gives Back AGAIN to Special Hockey video contest. The contest gave everyone involved – those of us at UCT and the special hockey coaches and players – such a great feeling that we decided to kick off… Continue Reading…

Special hockey teams win $15,000 in the UCT Gives Back AGAIN to Special Hockey video contest!

Posted December, 2016 by: David Knapp

We just wrapped up our UCT Gives Back AGAIN to Special Hockey video contest on Saturday – and made two American Special Hockey Association (ASHA) special hockey teams very happy by awarding them a total of $15,000 for their programs! A BIG shout out to the Washington Ice Dogs special hockey team from Laurel, Maryland, who won first place and $10,000 and… Continue Reading…

8 ways to cultivate gratitude year-round

Posted November, 2016 by: David Knapp

Thursday marks Thanksgiving in the U.S., our annual day of giving thanks for the blessings of the harvest and of the preceding year – with a little overeating and football indulgence on the side. While it’s a wonderful tradition to have a special day for giving thanks and counting our blessings, wouldn’t it be even more wonderful if we could practice cultivating… Continue Reading…

Get out the VOTE! For the UCT Gives Back AGAIN to Special Hockey video contest, that is!

Posted November, 2016 by: David Knapp

Election Day might have come and gone, but our appeals for your votes are just beginning! That’s right! UCT is awarding a $10,000 first place and $5,000 second place prize to two special hockey teams through the UCT Gives Back AGAIN to Special Hockey video contest – and YOU decide who wins! Ten top finalists have been selected from special hockey programs… Continue Reading…

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