It’s no secret that obtaining a college degree today can be illogically expensive. A quick look at just how expensive it’s become succeeds in producing some sticker shock. For example, in-state tuition and fees in the U.S. to attend a public four-year institution last year averaged around $9,400. Typical costs in Canada were a little lower at $6,800; still, students in both countries can count on a basic tuition cost of $27,000-$37,000 over four years – and these figures don’t factor in the costs of room and board, food, or books.
If you’re a student or the parents or grandparents of students, these numbers can be unsettling to say the least. Such costs can be out of the ballpark for many families, and this much student loan debt unfairly burdens younger generations who in many cases already face worse economic prospects than their parents.
Helping students pursue college educations has always been important to UCT, which is why we invest in the future of our communities by investing in students. While we don’t have the means to put a big dent in today’s overall cost of higher education, we do sponsor three scholarship programs to help students meet the financial challenges of obtaining a college degree:
The UCT Heaton Scholarship consists of three scholarships granted to three students annually; each covering four years of undergraduate education. The scholarships are:
- The Jack & Betty Heaston Memorial Scholarship – $6,000 per year for 4 years
- The Betty Y. Heaston Memorial Scholarship – $3,000 per year for 4 years
- The Jack Heaston Memorial Scholarship – $3,000 per year for 4 years
The scholarships are awarded to students with the equivalent of high school senior status. Students must be enrolled and entering a college program in the coming academic year. All funds disbursed are to be used for school-related expenses. Applications are due March 15 and scholarship awards are announced after May 1.
Funded by our UCT Charities, the UCT Scholarship Program is available to the general public and provides scholarships to students and teachers seeking college degrees or certification to work with individuals with intellectual disabilities. Applicants must meet specific guidelines, and an amount up to, but not to exceed, $2,500 may be granted to any one applicant in any one calendar year. Scholarship assistance is a reimbursement to help cover registration fees, tuition and textbooks only. Applications are due by Nov. 15.
The May E. Tisdale Scholarship Fund grants scholarships to the children and grandchildren of members. It is funded entirely through donations and memorial contributions, so the number of scholarships awarded each year varies according to the amount of donations received. Applications are due by no later than June 15 and scholarship awards are announced in July.
When it comes to education, every little bit helps and starting the scholarship search early can pay off, so take a look at the guidelines for each scholarship and determine if it might be worthwhile for you or your children or grandchildren to pursue. We’re here to help, and we want you to take advantage of it.
All scholarship program guidelines and applications are available for download on our website at If you have questions or want more details, contact Scholarship Coordinator Anita Neal at or at 800.848.0123 x1100.